The Galveston Diet for Menopause: What to Know – Everyday Health

December 30, 2021 by No Comments

The Galveston eating plan comprises three major actions.

1. Avoid Inflammatory Foods

Sugars, processed grains, fried foods, processed lunch meats, saturated fats, diet sodas, and other unhealthy fare are restricted on this plan, because they are said to contribute to inflammation in the body.

RELATED: 6 Foods to Avoid Around Menopause

Instead, the diet emphasizes whole foods with lots of nonstarchy vegetables and fruits. Foods specifically believed to reduce inflammation are encouraged, such as fatty fish, berries, garlic, nuts, tomatoes, and olive oil.

2. Practice Intermittent Fasting

The idea is that a long stretch of time between meals makes your cells more adaptive to stressors and also initiates important cellular repair.

The type of intermittent fasting recommended in the Galveston diet is known as 16/8, which means fasting for 16 hours and eating during a window of 8 hours every day. That generally means delaying the first meal of the day until around noon.

Haver advises adopting this regimen slowly, such as by pushing breakfast back a half hour every few days, to give your body time to adjust. “I myself took six weeks before my first meal was at noon, so I never felt very hungry,” she says.

3. Up Your Fat Intake

In the U.S. federal government’s My Plate eating recommendations, carbohydrates are a significant part of the daily diet. My Plate recommends that midlife women eat 5 to 7 ounces (oz) of grains daily, while men the same age should get 7 to 10 oz (at least half of them whole grains).

By contrast, the Galveston diet slashes carbs dramatically. Here, the bulk of calories come from healthy fats, in order to encourage fat burning, the company says.

For example, daily intake in the first weeks assigns 70 percent of daily calories to fat, with proteins at 21 percent and carbs at 9 percent. After you’ve been on the diet for a while and you get used to eating fewer carbs and sugars, some additional complex carbs are put in.

Do Menopausal Women Need a Special Diet?

It is true that a woman’s body composition shifts during perimenopause, with more fat settling around the abdomen, experts say.

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